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From Sober-Curious to Mindful Drinking

Like I was always told, like, you are so smart, you are so pretty You are so this, and then you really come to believe that this is what I am, this is this identifies me right. And then if I’m not good at it, then I must just suck at it. And so I’m the kind of person and I’m trying to I’m this is where I’m in a fixed mindset, and I’m trying to grow. I’m I what, I’m not good at something, I just don’t do it.

  • Taking a moment to decide if I want to hit the reset button on my app, thus erasing my “streak” of sobriety, has forced me to also consider if I actually want to indulge.
  • But you know, after a decade or so, people really started to stop smoking.
  • This is the “I know what I know” stage, when we’re not only fully aware of the need to cut back on alcohol, but we become capable of doing so.

Maybe you’re considering quitting alcohol and going completely sober. Or maybe you wish to change your relationship with alcohol and stop drinking. Whichever way you choose, this podcast will give you the process to succeed. Alcohol-Free Lifestyle is for high performers, including entrepreneurs, executives, investors, athletes, and top professionals.

Physical Health

The term ​“sober-curi­ous” is used to describe the deci­sion to decrease the amount of alco­hol you con­sume. As the name implies, it encour­ages par­tic­i­pants to scale-back their alco­hol con­sump­tion and/​or begin to exper­i­ment with an alco­hol-free lifestyle. The sober-curi­ous lifestyle takes a holis­tic approach to well­ness by encour­ag­ing health­i­er lifestyle choic­es.

By reduc­ing your alco­hol con­sump­tion, you may expe­ri­ence sig­nif­i­cant health benefits. So if you’re ready to give this mindful drinking thing the old college try — with a little less of the college regret — here’s some practical advice to get started. “But the pandemic has also created some interesting polarization,” she said. Some people who were already drinking heavily are drinking more in isolation, while https://ecosoberhouse.com/article/15-benefits-of-the-alcohol-free-lifestyle/ others who were only social drinkers are often finding themselves drinking less. The FHE Health team is committed to providing accurate information that adheres to the highest standards of writing. If one of our articles is marked with a ‘reviewed for accuracy and expertise’ badge, it indicates that one or more members of our team of doctors and clinicians have reviewed the article further to ensure accuracy.

Frequently Asked Questions About Alcohol-Free Lifestyle

Well, in framing, not drinking here increasingly, as just a health choice. I think that it helps, like, that’s what’s framed it for me. And one of the things I definitely wanted to talk to you about because it feeds into this idea of adopting a lifestyle, not a label. And that’s not to say that you didn’t have an I had a problematic relationship with drinking, where it was leading us nowhere good and definitely addicted, and, and all the things. And so tell me about that, because I think that’s really interesting.

This is probably the biggest benefit to sobriety. I’m now on my own team and I believe in myself. Drinking also meant I spent more on Ubers, hangover food delivery, impulsive online shopping and more. Cutting out alcohol meant decreasing these other expenses.

Personal Benefits of Being Alcohol-Free

If you’re interested in learning more about me or the work I do or accessing free resources and guides to help you build a life you love without alcohol, please visit hellosomedaycoaching.com. And I would be so grateful if you would take a few minutes to rate and review this podcast so that more women can find it and join the conversation about drinking less and living more. Yeah, and there’s a universally people out there who’ve chosen not to drink and really cool men and women that you would love to know.

alcohol free lifestyle

And they were like, Oh, yeah, we just keep it around. But sometimes we just want the taste, but without any alcohol to get fuzzy. And I was like, holy, yeah, I can’t imagine drinkers, just generally here stocking nonalcoholic beer, if they don’t feel like dealing with the impacts of that. Personally, what I like about this movement and the community behind Club Soda, is that it’s very inclusive of a wide spectrum of mindful-drinking options and advocates for choice.

So it’s something that just like anything else, like you have to do what you’re comfortable with? Like, I’ll tell people all the time, you know, I was I think I had over three years sobriety before I ever tried my first nonalcoholic beer. And I thought about it for a little while first. And it really was not a triggering experience at all it really, if anything, it’s kind of took away some of that FOMO that I still had a lot of even when I was out with friends, right?

Do recovered alcoholics live longer?

Research has shown that alcoholics who continue drinking die 10 to 15 years prematurely, and that those who quit drinking extend their life expectancies. Dr. Grant said his study was the first to show how long life could be extended.

More Americans than ever are bidding farewell to booze, for many different reasons. As one writer explains, if you’re curious about starting a sober life, it doesn’t have to be as daunting as it sounds. Reduc­ing your alco­hol con­sump­tion not only helps to low­er your blood pres­sure and heart rate, but it may also reduce your risk of devel­op­ing sev­er­al oth­er heart-relat­ed health con­di­tions. Exces­sive alco­hol con­sump­tion can ele­vate your triglyc­erides, caus­ing fat to accu­mu­late in your arter­ies.

Sobriety was enhancing my connection to my friends. There was no shortage of laughter or fun or inappropriate banter and the support my friends gave me aided my resolve. In a complex process known as neuroplasticity, your brain molded and adapted itself to alcohol use. In other words, it’s not your fault that you started drinking and are finding it challenging to stop. Our brains release those good feeling chemicals differently, and some people who produce more pleasure chemicals when drinking are more susceptible to alcohol dependency. High-risk drinking has increased more rapidly among midlife women in the last decade.

How long after quitting drinking does liver heal?

Some alcohol-related liver damage can be reversed if you stop drinking alcohol early enough in the disease process. Healing can begin as early as a few days to weeks after you stop drinking, but if the damage is severe, healing can take several months.

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